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  1. Monu-chan Retired Moderator Oct 04, 2016

    Quote by Blue-Latte
    No, I don't use facebook anymore.

    Really a year? Time flies..
    Yes, I will send you my number via PM

    I am sorry but I didn't get a notification. Wait.. actually I don't remember where to see the notofications, lol.

    Time really flies so fast.
    Umm I'll PM you my number and then you can message me directly there if it's okay?

    You can see notification beside your username on left, lol. It's okay though I'm really busy with real life, I can't recall when and which manga I read last time. Just following cardcaptor sakura sequel manga.

  2. Monu-chan Retired Moderator Sep 17, 2016

    Quote by Blue-Latte

    Quote by Monu-chan Are you Vani's brother using her account? if yes, then please tell her, we miss her a lot. I hope she's doing well.

    Hey Monu-chan! I missed you a lot too!
    How have you been? Thank you so much for missing me :')

    The thing is, I think I am not into anime anymore. Have I mentioned it before?
    So I rarely visit anime website anymore.

    Hello! Whoa - been more than year!
    I'm okay, kind of messed up. But Alive xD
    How about you?

    Oh I see... ummm do you use Facebook? or umm WhatsApp? we can talk there too, if it's alright with you.

  3. srsn Apr 16, 2016

    Thanks for the +fave on my latest wallpaper

  4. Monu-chan Retired Moderator Apr 15, 2016

    Are you Vani's brother using her account? if yes, then please tell her, we miss her a lot. I hope she's doing well.

  5. agent-Achika Mar 13, 2016

    Gd afternoon Blue Latte!
    - How was your Xmas last year?
    -Seen any new movies yet?
    -How is life in general w/U?

  6. Blue-Crescent Jan 02, 2016

  7. agent-Achika Jul 04, 2015

    GM Blue-Latte!
    How have ya been?

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